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Rosie Server Docking2, wrong plots output?


Dear All,

Any one knows why the Rosie Server for protein docking (docking2) automatically gave two plots that seem not consistent with each other on the x-axis which is the "RMSD". Or me please give some suggestion if I understand something wrong. Please see the attached figure.

Post Situation: 

Error while reading in silent file


Hi all, I am facing an error, when reading in the silent output file after a docking simulation. Here I used 6 cores to create 2000 decoys each (sum 12000). See the flag file attached. I used a slightely modified version of the ligand docking application, which is provided in the ROSETTA examples.

Now, i tried to combine all six output files to compare the results. Actually, I tried it with the following command

Post Situation: 

Relax command for docking purposes and cluster_vs_rmsd command


Hello All,

I currently have two questions.

The first related to using the relax.linuxgccrelease,

I am relaxing a cleaned native structure to produce a 1000 decoys, in which I will cluster and use the top 5 to perform docking with Rosetta.

My question is when I relax my native structure, what options and flags should I include and not include. Should I be relaxing with contraints on the main chain and side chains, or should I relax with no constraints. Should I include -ex1 and -ex2aro flags for my purpose? Should I perform relax:fast or relax:thorough?

Post Situation: 

Unrecognized residue Glc


Hi everyone,

I would like to use surface_docking on a pdb containing carbohydrates.
I put as residue name "Glc" in my pdb and I added the flag:


However I get the following error:

ERROR: No match found for unrecognized residue at position 1
Looking for lower-terminal residue with 3-letter code: Glc
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/io/pdb/ line: 1216

Post Situation: 

Docking with Constraints in PyRosetta


Recently I started attempting to use PyRosetta to perform protein-protein docking. I was following the PyRosetta docking tutorial at and managed to get a script together that can generate a bunch of coarse models and then the best n of them are submitted to high resolution refined docking.

Post Situation: 

Executing the script


Hello All,

I am currently running RosettaCommons on linux and am attempting to run the script on my native protein.
As of now, I have changed it to an executable file as recommended, but I am unsure what the command is to run this script on a certain pdb.

As of now my command is $ python script path/to/pdb, but this doesnt appear to be correct. Can anyone direct me on what the script requires for a command and exactly what to type in so it runs it on my vinculin.pdb protein.

Post Situation: 

Output structures from docking_prepack_protocol: initial__*.pdb vs prepack__*.pdb, which one should I send to docking_protocol?


docking_prepack_protocol generates several output pdb structures:


where * stands for the name of the crystal structure that was given as input to docking_prepack_protocol.

What are the differences between these .pdb files that docking_prepack_protocol outputs?

Post Situation: 

Reproduce Robetta's ddg values of interface alanine scan using Rosetta?


Is there a protocol on Rosetta to obtain Robetta's ( ddg's calculations of interface alanine scan functionality?
I don't care if they use an older version of Rosetta. I just want to obtain ddg's values that are as close as possible to those returned by Robetta. What protocol do they use?

Post Situation: 


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