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Enzyme Design

Running the Matcher on multiple PDBs

Enzyme Design

I'm having issues getting the Matcher to run. My .flags file looks like this (file names changed):

-s PDB1.pdb

-s PDB2.pdb

-match:lig_name LIG

-match:scaffold_active_site_residues POS.pos

-match:geometric_constraint_file CST.cst

-extra_res_fa PARAM.params




Both PDBs are in the same directory, and the Matcher runs fine in that it will get a number of matches for PDB1.pdb, but then it just ends... see:

Post Situation: 

rotamer library in coupled_moves

Enzyme Design
Small Molecules



Recently, I had a chance to see a presentation about coupled_moves. There is hardly any information about it since the paper isn't published yet but I figured I would give it a try anyway. What I want to do is to redesign enzyme specificity for a new substrate . The problem is including rotamers library of my new substrate. 


I created ligand rotamers with Frog2 (no acces to MOE or OpenEye) and created params files with:


" rotamers.mol2 --conformers-in-one-file".


Post Situation: 

Issues running the Matcher in 3.4 and 3.5

Enzyme Design


I've run into an issue getting the Matcher to work correctly. I have attached a log file with the error I am receiving (In this particular case I ran 3.4, but the error is the same for 3.5). The specific error is below:

ERROR: olditer != target_restype_index_map_.end()
ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/match/downstream/ line: 677

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if additional information is needed I would be glad to provide it.


Post Situation: 

Enzdes constraint file not defined correctly

Enzyme Design

Hi everyone,

I am doing enzyme design using a cst file and it seems that my constraint file is not properly defined.
I wish to define constraints such that the peptide N forms hydrogen bond with my ligand in the binding pocket. At the same time I would like this residue to be any other residue except proline. So i defined my cst as follows;

TEMPLATE:: ATOM_MAP: 1 atom_name: O8 P1 O7
TEMPLATE:: ATOM_MAP: 1 residue3: EY1

TEMPLATE:: ATOM_MAP: 2 atom_type: Nbb

Post Situation: 

Enzdes score file discrepancy between generated pdb and scores.out

Enzyme Design

Hi everyone,
First of all thanks you for the replies to other post as that has helped me to progress on using Rosetta.
I have generated structures using enzyme design but I am struggling to understand the energy scores.

Post Situation: 

Conformers in EnzDes

Enzyme Design


I have two questions concerning conformers in the enzyme design application:

1) Is hydrogen bonding calculated from heavy atoms only or should the conformer library contain, for example, hydroxyl groups with the hydrogen pointed in multiple directions for it to recognize when a hydrogen bond can be formed?

Post Situation: 

ligand flexibility

Enzyme Design

Hi everyone,

I see some strange behavior of enzyme design with ligand.
1) I have created a library of rotamers, set path to this library in params file (by PDB_ROTAMERS rotlib.pdb) and run enzyme design. But there is still only translation and rotation of rigid body in the active site and no using of the rotamer library. Only when I start with ligand structure with some clashes in the protein pdb file I can see optimization of of torsion angles of the ligand. Can you please explain how it works?

Post Situation: 

Combine flags file with command line arguments?

Structure prediction
Enzyme Design
Loop Modeling
Small Molecules
Chemically Modified Residues
Fragment Generation
Non-Canonical Peptides
Nucleic Acids
Phenix / MR Rosetta

Is it possible to combine a flags file with command line arguments?

For example, something like this:

minimize_with_cst.linuxgccrelease -in:file:l min_pdb_file_list @flags_file

where flags_file contains additional options. Moreover, what is the effect of changing the order of command line arguments and flags files? Which takes precedence? That is, what is the difference between the above command and:

minimize_with_cst.linuxgccrelease @flags_file -in:file:l min_pdb_file_list


Post Situation: 


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