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RMSD calculation


Dear all,


I need help with Ca-RMSD calculation. I've used docking protocol to generate some models and now I want to calculate Ca-RMSD between these models and the native. Each model has 5 chains: e.g. model_AB_CDE. I want to calculate Ca-RMSD in a way that the model_AB chains would be aligned on native_AB and the RMSD between model_CDE and Native CDE will be computed. How can I do that? I've used score protocol but it computes the total RMSD between all the chains.

Thanks in advance,


Post Situation: 


Loop Modeling


I am using the 2016.28 build and have the some problems with "BridgeChainsMover" from Brian's recent method paper: DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-3569-7_20

I get this error "ERROR: 'scorefxn' is not a valid option for BridgeChainsMover".  Here is the part of script that returns an error:

<BridgeChainsMover name="connect" chain1="1" chain2="2" motif="3LX-3LA-3LX" overlap="3" scorefxn="centroid_scorefunction" />

Post Situation: 

reporting IteratedConvergence status


Dear All,

I use IteratedConvergence in my Rosetta Script. Is there a convenient way to monitor the number of cycles that that passed before the convergence? Would it be possible to have this value for the individual models in the score file, together with total_score etc.?

This brings a more general question - how to monitor/debug Rosetta scripts, e.g. track energy values, behavior of filters etc.

Thank you for suggestions & best wishes,



Post Situation: 

error--rosetta fragment‐based refinement protocol for refinement against EM density


I am trying to fit my pdb structure into EM density and the following information happened:


protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN FILTER =======================

protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================END FILTER =======================

protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER MinMover - cenmin=======================

Post Situation: 

scoring input pdbs as the same as docking score


Hi everyone,

I'm writing a pilot app in Rosetta and I want to cluster results (all pdbs) of global dock. After calculating the scores, they are completly different with the original scores I got from docking_protocol. I'm using following codes:

        core::scoring::ScoreFunctionOP scorefxn( core::scoring::get_score_function() );
        ( *scorefxn )( init_pose );

I found that the input pdbs do not have sidechains, however using following command just made the scores better but the difference is still remained:

Post Situation: 

InterfaceAnalyzer atom subset


Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know if it is possible to use InterfaceAnalyzer only on a subset of atoms instead of the whole proteins?

Specifically, I've recently completed 4x 2 us simulations in GROMACS and would like to understand how different positions/polar/hydrogen bonding networks of an interface loop affect interaction energy between the two proteins.

If this cannot be done, I suppose an alternative approach would be to strip all non-relevant residues with awk and then run only the subsets through InterfaceAnalyzer

Post Situation: 

No RMS and IRMS values in protein/nucleic acid docking

Nucleic Acids


I am docking a small protein / nucleic acid structure to generate dockings. The scoring contains only -nan for rms and 0.000 for Irms. Why doesn't the docking result in valid rms/irms values? Fnat and I_sc as well as total_score seem ok. What do I have to change in order to receive rms and irms values?

XML Rosetta Script (prot2.xml):

Post Situation: 

Question on eval_atom_derivative function.


Hello again,

So I am working on incorporating pseudocontact shifts into the Relax protocol and I need to implement the derivatives for minimization. As I understand it, to do this I need to implement the eval_atom_derivative function. However, I do not understand the vector parameters F1 and F2. Could you explain them to me? Are they just the vector along the gradient for the atom?

Thank you in advance.

Post Situation: 


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