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Relaxation vs minimisation

Structure prediction

Hi all,

I am very new to the computational structural biology community and I have tried to model a structure by using a software which runs MODELLER on the background. However, my result shows a number of steric clashes and a very high fa_rep when I calculate it with PyRosetta. I am therefore trying to improve the structure before moving on with the rest of my analysis. 

Post Situation: 

antibody_numbering_converter cannot recognize the IMGT scheme


To whom it may concern:

Hi I want to convert my antibody structure from Chothia to IMGT. I use the following command and get an error "ERROR: Illegal value specified for option -antibody:output_ab_scheme : IMGT". I am wondering is the IMGT scheme already cancelled in the number converter program? This is a 2019.35.60890 version.

/home/rosetta_bin_linux_2019.35.60890_bundle/main/source/bin/antibody_numbering_converter.linuxgccrelease -input_ab_scheme Chothia -output_ab_scheme IMGT -s 1ahw_chothia.pdb


Best regards,

Post Situation: 

MotifGraft error: "Residue connection id changed when creating a new residue at seqpos"


Hello everyone,

I am trying to use MotifGraft mover to graft an epitope to a scaffold protein (actually there is a structure library, parsed with -l list).

The xml script is attached.

My command line is as follow (I am first trying a very loose boundary conditions, I'm aware about the higher RMSD/atom_clash values):

Post Situation: 

Distorted metal coordination geometry after relaxation (SetupMetalMover was used, fold tree and constraints were set manually)




I am trying to relax Zn containing peptides like zinc fingers, but always got distorted geometries of the coordination site and much higher scores after the relax. Still, the rest of the peptide looks nice.

Post Situation: 

Centroid mode minimization

Structure prediction

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there is something like the Relax Application but to use it directly in centroid mode. I know AbInitio uses fragment insertion to start building structures in centroid mode that are later fed to the All-Atom relax application, but is there something that can do a montecarlo local exploration without leaving centroid representation?

Post Situation: 

Rosetta Antibody: Unable to open file and terminates


Hello, please note I'm revising my posting with some major updates, apologies to the 9 viewers who have come here prior as this will read completely different.


I'm encountering a read error with antibody_H3. Below is the executable I ran (I've also reproduced the error with .static mode):

mpiexec -np 4 $ROSETTA3/bin/antibody_H3.cxx11threadmpiserialization.linuxgccrelease \

abH3.flags looks just like:

Post Situation: 

PyRosetta on Ubuntu 16.04 build error


- OS type/version/arch:
Linux Ubuntu 16.04  (on an Azure virtual machine)
- Python version:

- Version of PyRosetta including SVN revision number.

- Version of Rosetta:
Rosetta 3.11 for Linux


Hello, I've installed PyRosetta and upon importing in Python3.5 I receive the following error:

Post Situation: 

Confusion for Input Tutorial


Hi All,

I have downloaded Rosetta 3.11 and built it with using 

$ ./ -j 4 mode=release bin 

The building of the binaries seems to work correctly providing me with:

scons: done building targets.


I am now attempting to familiarize myself with Rosetta by traversing the tutorials starting with the Input & Output Tutorial so I am within this directory:

Post Situation: 


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