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missing residues while Rosie Modeling

Structure prediction

Hi all,
I submitted one job for anitbody variable domain structure prediction through Rosie recently. Rosie generated the pdb files. However, when I checked it through Chimera, we found the light chian C-terminal lost two residues (-RA). I double checked my submiting sequence, it was fine. Does anybody meet the similar issue? How could that happen and how to deal with it?

Post Situation: 

mutate_residue not working


Dear Sir or Madam,
Can I ask how to properly use the command of
mutate_residue(pose, 49, 'E') ?

It seems to be quite straightforward as pose name, residue number and amino acids are included into the parenthesis. However, I have been told
"MemoryError" (attached) after typing

from toolbox import mutate_residue
mutate_residue(A10, 3, 'E')

Do I need to type something else before using this command?

Basically, I want to mutate several amino acids into customised ones. Is this the best way to do?

Post Situation: 

how can i refine protein loop region contain nonstandard amino acid morespecifically Phosphoserine and phosphothreonine

Loop Modeling

Recenly i have modeled one protein pknQ, its a kinase and contains phosphoserine and phoshothrionien at their activation loop region. I have used homology modeling methods to predict the 3D structure of pknQ and further refined the loop. I have modified the serine and threonine to phosphoserine and phosphothrenine now to minimize the effect of post translation modification i want to further refine loop having nonstandard amino acid (phosphorylated serine and threionine). How can i do this not getting any idea . please help

Post Situation: 

HBNet and RosettaScripts


I recently learned about a new Rosetta module for scoring hydrogen bond networks as part of protein design called HBNet. I was interested in trying out this module but I'm not sure how to use it. Recently I compiled one of the weekly releases of Rosetta3.5 so I think we have the most up-to-date software. HBNet is a RosettaScripts module I believe but I was wondering if someone could provide a sample XML script that I could play around with if it is not too much trouble. Thank you for your assistance!

Post Situation: 

Adding noncanonical amino acid (PCA) to Rosetta 3

Chemically Modified Residues

Hi everyone, I'm in the process of trying to incorporate a non-canonical amino acid into Rosetta, namely pyroglutamic acid: (or 5-oxo-L-proline)

Post Situation: 

Building with "extra=graphics" on Linux?


I was trying to build Rosetta_2014.22.56873 with "extras=graphics" enabled on Debian linux 7.5

I get a number of errors related to narrowing conversions while building

Apparently "-Werror=narrowing" is set as a flag, and I was wondering what kind of trouble i would be getting my self in for if I just changed that flag and compiled it anyway.

I've attached a listing of the build and the errors received

Post Situation: 

Inconsistencies in full atom energy calculations



I'd like to decompose the energy in one body energy terms (for each residue) and pairwise energy terms for residue-residue interactions.
I tried to check if I could decompose these terms and sum them up to retrieve the score returned by the scoring function.
The problem is that I try 3 different ways of computing the energy, and I get 3 different numbers.
Could someone please tell me what's wrong ?

Here is my code:

Post Situation: 

Bug in the with Linux kernel version


I think I have found a rather minor bug. It happens only with Linux. I don't know if there is a report system for this, so I am posting it on the forum.
Thanks for your work with Rosetta, it is really amazing.

I am building pyrosetta from source, using the generated by rosetta/tools/PyRosetta.develop/

Post Situation: 

Docking on mpi.


Hi guys

Our local cluster has recently ,finallly, helped me to get the mpi Rosetta version installed.
RosettaDock seems to be working though I get some error messages. None of which i observe on my local computer.
Created 6242 residue types
Number of residue types is greater than MAX_RESIDUE_TYPES. Rerun with -override_rsd_type_limit. Or if you have introduced a bunch of patches, consider declaring only the ones you want to use at the top of your app (with the options) with the command option[ chemical::include_patches ].push_back( ... ).

Post Situation: 

Evaluating energies on non-standard rotamer set

Structure prediction

Without getting too detailed I would like to be able to compute all one-body and two-body energies for a set of chi angles that I have chosen (e.g. that are not from a rotamer library). I am evaluating for a set of angles for each chi rather than a single joint configuration, and would like to compute and store this set of energies. It seems like the way to go would be to build up a RotamerSets object on-the-fly as in:

Post Situation: 


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