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Making mutations in PyRosetta?

Hi all,

I'm new to PyRosetta and just had a quick question. Is there a way to make mutations to an existing protein structure using PyRosetta? I'm currently doing all the mutations in PyMOL then saving the mutants as new pdb's and calling them into PyRosetta for analysis. If I could just write a short script to mutate the structure using PyRosetta, it would save me a lot of time. Thanks!

Post Situation: 

ndruns and nstruct in fixbb

In manual for fixbb in Rosetta 2.x, ndruns is used to specify the number of iterations. In the manual for fixbb in Rosetta 3.x, the parameter ndruns is not introduced anymore. Rather, nstruct is used to specify "The number of iterations to perform per input structure". Does it mean nstruct has replaced ndruns? Or is ndruns the same as nstruct but only one decoy (the best scoring decoy) is returned?

Post Situation: 

RNA Denovo RMSD data

I am new to the Rosetta software and I would really appreciate some help from someone with experience in RNA Denovo. I am using the rna_denovo application on a cluster with Rosetta 3.3 and I want to predict 3D structures for a large number of RNA molecules.
Initially I predict 3D structures for which there is NMR data available so that I can determine how well the algorithm works. I am supplying the NMR structure as the native structure in order to plot RMSD vs. energy (score).

Post Situation: 

Scoring when the protein is a different length

I would like to truncate a protein (the C terminus). I'm not sure where - the segment is about 70 residues long and is 3 helices with short loop segments of a few residues connecting them. Rather than make 70 truncation mutants in the lab I thought I could narrow it down by comparing the scores of truncated PDBs.

Post Situation: 

how to output a structure when scoring it?

Dear all,
I use score_jd2 to score a pdb structure. But I also want to output the structure.
I try ~/software/Rosetta_3.4/rosetta_source/bin/score_jd2.linuxgccrelease -s 1f0m.pdb -database ~/software/Rosetta_3.4/rosetta_database -out:prefix 1f0m_test -out:output
But I didn't get the structure. I only get the which contains the energy of the pdb.

I think I have found the reason. I should use score instead of using score_jd2
But the structure output by score has more H atom than original one. Is that will change the energy score? Thank you!

Post Situation: 

how to calc the fa_rep in rosetta2.x?

Dear ALL,
I design a structure by rosetta2.3 and score it by rosetta3.4. The energy score is different. And even the fa_rep /fa_atr are different (900 vs 1100). are there any different definitions between two programs? How does rosetta2.3/rosetta3.4 calculate the fa_rep/fa_atr? Thank you!

Post Situation: 

ab initio membrane error (frag9 file...)

Hi all...

I'm running the ab initio membrane app as...

almeida@IDBiotum7:/modelacion/Rosetta$ membrane_abinitio2.linuxgccrelease -abinitio:membrane -in:file:fasta ../P13866.fasta -in:file:spanfile sglt1.span -nstruct 5 -in:path:database /home/almeida/Softwares/Rosetta/rosetta_3.4/rosetta_database/

... and I got this error: 'ERROR: Value of inactive option accessed: -in:file:frag9'

How do I generate the frag9 file for my protein sequence?

Thanks in advance...

Post Situation: 

Error Atom_::dihedral_between_bonded_children

Hi, I'm running the example homology_modeling_threading_basic from the demos with minirosetta ver. 3.4 and fails whith

ERROR: Atom_::dihedral_between_bonded_children: atoms are not both my children!
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/kinematics/tree/ line: 407

when setting the flag:

-out:nstruct 10

If compiled with gcc 4.4 (x86_64) it happens while generating fifth model and when compiled with icc 12.1 (x86_64) it happens while generating third model.

Any help would be welcome.



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