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Warning: Fold tree is not set properly for density scoring

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Warning: Fold tree is not set properly for density scoring

I am trying to build glycans into a cryoEM density following the Meiler Lab tutorial here:


Using the provided XML file, I am able to run the job, but I see the following warning throughout the output file:

0mcore.scoring.electron_density.FastDensEnergy: ^[[0m^[[1m[ WARNING ]^[[0m Fold tree is not set properly for density scoring!


What does this warning mean? Will this have an impact on the results?

Post Situation: 
Mon, 2020-07-13 10:50


In order to use electron density the SetupForDensityScoring mover must be run first  (ie the Add block must come first) and the "-mapfile {mymafile.mrc} " flags must be given.


That warning means that currently you are not using electron density in the simulations.

     <SetupForDensityScoring name="setupdens"  />

    <Add mover="setupdens"/>
Tue, 2020-07-14 10:27