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How to generate score file for loop refinement or modelling?

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How to generate score file for loop refinement or modelling?


I used rosetta3.3 to refine loops in my protein. And the command I used is

loop -loops::input_pdb protein.pdb -loops::loop_file protein.loop_file -loops::frag_sizes 9 3 1 -in::file::fullatom -loops::frag_files protein_aat000_09.200_R3.gz protein_aat000_03.200_R3.gz none -loops::random_loop -loops::refine refine_kic -abinitio::rerun 1 -abinitio::start_native -database $database -out:nstruct 100 -ex1 -ex2 >loops.log

But among the output files there is no scorefile (

Even I added -out:file:scorefile in the command there is no such a scorefile. How can fix it? Thank you very much.

Post Situation: 
Fri, 2011-12-09 05:15

The loop modeling executable doesn't use the regular job distributor - (loop_model predates the job distributor and nobody's updated it). Anyway, "grep label [first result pdb] > && grep pose [all result pdbs] >>" will make one for you from the scores at the end of each PDB.

Fri, 2011-12-09 07:57

I see. Thank you very much.

Fri, 2011-12-09 10:19