Program options system.

Detailed Description

The utility::options package provides a system for representing and accessing the value of program options. This system is designed to have syntactic and type convenience and to be "pluggable", allowing optional modules to add their own options. Options are accessed by named keys (see the options::keys package) which provides a high level of type safety and fast lookup.

NOTE: The actual options and option keys are found in the basic::options namespace. The utility::options namespace constitutes only the system itself.

Options are specified to applications in the usual way with options entered directly on the command line or in files specified on the command line:

application @flags_file -option1 -option2=value2

Flags files

The flags file (named flags_file in the above example) can contain any number of options specified in their typical syntax (e.g. in::file::s example.pdb ) with each option on a separate line. Alternatively, option namespaces can be nestedwithin namespaces as shown below with options in the same namespace having the same indentation level. For example, the following two sets of options would be equivalent:

-in::file::s example.pdb
-in::file::native native.pdb
-in::path::database path/to/Rosetta/database
-score::weights talaris2014
      -s example.pdb
      -native native.pdb
      -database path/to/Rosetta/database
   -weights talaris2014

It is also perfectly acceptable to mix the two styles in the same file. For example, the following file would also be equivalent:

      -s example.pdb
      -native native.pdb
-score::weights talaris2014
-database path/to/Rosetta/database

See Also