Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Exclude crystal contacts from design.

<CrystalContacts name="(&string;)" all_gap="(0.5 &real;)"
        polar_gap="(2.5 &real;)" max_buried_sasa="(0.01 &real;)"
        invert="(false &bool;)" nbr_radius_to_nbr_radius="(false &bool;)"
        nbr_radius_to_atoms="(true &bool;)" atoms_to_atoms="(false &bool;)" />
  • all_gap: add this to all calculated distances
  • polar_gap: if either residue is polar - add this to calculated distances
  • max_buried_sasa: ignore buried residues as defined by maximum allowed sasa
  • invert: design residues in contact
  • nbr_radius_to_nbr_radius: contact determined by nbr radius overlap. CBeta to CBeta
  • nbr_radius_to_atoms: contact determined by nbr radius to atom distance. CBeta to any atom on symmetric partner
  • atoms_to_atoms: contact determined by atom to atom distances. Any atom to any atom.