Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Task Operation that oversamples rotamers that score well with a specified target residue (or set thereof). Note that this TaskOP by itself does not select or deselect any residue positions for design. Rather, it builds extra rotamers of the residue types and at positions that were allowed by previously used TaskOPs. This means that this TaskOP should be used in conjunction with other TaskOPs that take care of which regions to design. This TaskOP can be considered to work like the old rotamer explosion protocols in Rosetta 2.x

<InteractingRotamerExplosion name="(&string;)" target_seqpos="(&string;)"
        score_cutoff="(-0.5 &real;)" ex_level="(4 &non_negative_integer;)"
        debug="(false &bool;)" exclude_radius="(20.0 &real;)" />
  • target_seqpos: (REQUIRED) target residue which interacts well with another residue
  • score_cutoff: Minimum or better interaction score with target seqpos
  • ex_level: rotamer sampling level
  • debug: write extra rotamers sampled to disk
  • exclude_radius: distance from target residue