Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Prohibit designing to residue identities that aren't found at that position in any of the listed structures:

<JointSequence name="(&string;)" use_current="(true &bool;)"
        use_natro="(false &bool;)" chain="(0 &non_negative_integer;)"
        use_chain="(0 &non_negative_integer;)" use_native="(false &bool;)"
        use_starting_as_native="(false &bool;)" filename="(&string;)"
        native="(&string;)" use_fasta="(false &bool;)" />
  • use_current: Use residue identities from the current structure (input pose to apply() of the taskoperation)
  • use_natro: the task operation also adds the rotamers from the native structures (use_native/native) in the rotamer library.
  • chain: to which chain to apply, 0 is all chains
  • use_chain: given an additional input pdb, such as through in:file:native, which chain should the sequence be derived from. 0 is all chains.
  • use_native: Use residue identities from the structure listed with -in:file:native
  • use_starting_as_native: use starting pose as native pose
  • filename: Use residue identities from the listed file
  • native: use this file path as the native pdb
  • use_fasta: Use residue identities from a native sequence given by a FASTA file (specify the path to the FASTA file with the -in:file:fasta flag at the command line)