Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Restrict rotamer selctions to ones derived from natural PDBs

<SampleRotamersFromPDB name="(&string;)" add_rotamer="(1 &bool;)"
        debug="(0 &bool;)" ccd="(1 &bool;)" db_file_name="(&string;)"
        aligned_positions="(&int_cslist;)" >
    <Segments name="(&string;)" >
        <Segment name="(&string;)" pdb_profile_match="(&string;)" rot_lib="(&string;)" />
  • add_rotamer: If true, add the sampled rotamer to rotamer vector, otherwise just delete rotamers that are not in input pdbs/rotamaer database
  • debug: make output more verbose
  • ccd: do not modify residues with CUT_LOWER/CUT_UPPER property
  • db_file_name: The database name to use
  • aligned_positions: only apply to this taskoperation to specific positions.

Subtag Segments: Wrapper for multiple segments tags

Subtag Segment: individual segment tag

  • pdb_profile_match: text file matching pdb name to profile
  • rot_lib: XRW TO DO