Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Threads a single letter sequence onto the source pdb.

<ThreadSequence name="(&string;)" target_sequence="(&string;)"
        start_res="(1 &positive_integer;)" allow_design_around="(true &bool;)"
        chain_num="(0 &non_negative_integer;)" filter_non_aas="(false &bool;)" />
  • target_sequence: (REQUIRED) The target sequence can contain two types of 'wildcards'. Placing 'x' in the sequence results in design at this position: target_sequence='TFYxxxHFS' will thread the two specified tripeptides and allow design in the intervening tripeptide. Placing ' ' (space) or '_' (underscore), however, restricts this position to repacking: the string 'TFY HFS' (three spaces between the two triplets) will thread the two tripeptides and will repack the pose's original intervening tripeptide. The string 'TFY___HFS' -three underscores between the two triplets- will also only repack the original intervening tripeptide.
  • start_res: Residue at which to start.
  • allow_design_around: If set to false, only design the region that is threaded. The rest is set to repack.
  • chain_num: Which chain to apply the sequence to. If 0 - the entire structure
  • filter_non_aas: If set to true non amino acid residues will not be threaded