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FlexPepDock Multi chain receptor

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FlexPepDock Multi chain receptor


I am docking a pep to a receptor with two chain, using FlexPepDock ab initio. Both the chains are number starting with 1

In the flag file, I set -flexPepDocking:receptor_chain A,B

However, it ouput the errors such as

protocols.TrialMover: Acceptance rate: 0.02

core.kinematics.AtomTree: [ ERROR ] No proper DoF can be found for these four atoms: 556-1, 556-2, 556-3, 557-1!

core.kinematics.AtomTree: [ ERROR ] No proper DoF can be found for these four atoms: 556-2, 556-3, 557-1, 557-2!

protocols.TrialMover: Acceptance rate: 0.1

core.kinematics.AtomTree: [ ERROR ] No proper DoF can be found for these four atoms: 556-1, 556-2, 556-3, 557-1!

core.kinematics.AtomTree: [ ERROR ] No proper DoF can be found for these four atoms: 556-2, 556-3, 557-1, 557-2!

temperature = 0.896281

protocols.TrialMover: Acceptance rate: 0.14

How should I fix this?




Post Situation: 
Mon, 2018-04-02 12:13