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Failure to produce a cst file

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Failure to produce a cst file

Hi, I generated a mincst.log using the below command:

minimize_with_cst.default.linuxgccrelease -s fe.pdb  -in:file:fullatom -ignore_unrecognized_res -fa_max_dis 9.0 -database /home/protein-institute/ROSETTA/rosetta_bin_linux_2020.08.61146_bundle/main/database -ddg::harmonic_ca_tether 0.5 -ddg::constraint_weight 1.0 -ddg::out_pdb_prefix min_cst_0.5 -ddg::sc_min_only false > mincst.log

then produced mincst.log file was employed for generating a cst file as input for the high-resolution protocol of ddg_monomer using the below command: mincst.log > i.cst

unfortunately, the process was disrupted and cst file haven't the necessary information. all input and output files were uploaded.


mincst.txt124.16 KB
convert_to_cst_file.txt612 bytes
Post Situation: 
Wed, 2022-10-26 11:17