#!/bin/bash -l # Batch script to run an MPI parallel Rosetta job on Legion # under SGE with OpenMPI. # 1. Force bash as the executing shell. #$ -S /bin/bash # 2. Request 72 hour of wallclock time (format hours:minutes:seconds). #$ -l h_rt=48:0:0 # 3. Request 2 gigabyte of RAM per process. #$ -l mem=2G # 5. Set the name of the job. #$ -N name_20150108_ddg_monomer_8398mutants_D1A # 6. Select the OpenMPI parallel environment and 12 processes. #$ -pe openmpi 2 #$ -wd /home/ucbechz/Scratch/20150108_MPI_test/output/results/D1A # 8. Setup Rosetta enviornment module unload compilers module unload mpi/qlogic/1.2.7/intel module unload mkl/10.2.5/035 module load compilers/gnu/4.6.3 module load atlas/3.8.3/gnu.4.6.3 module load python/2.6.9/gnu.4.6.3 module load mpi/openmpi/1.6.5/gnu.4.6.3 module load rosetta/2014.34.57213-MPI cd $TMPDIR gerun ddg_monomer.mpi.linuxgccrelease @ /home/ucbechz/Scratch/20150108_MPI_test/input/options/D1A.options > ddg.log tar zcvf $HOME/Scratch/20150108_MPI_test/output/results/D1A/files_from_job_$JOB_ID.tar.gz $TMPDIR