#!/usr/bin/python # These are Sun Grid Engine options used on the UCSF cluster, some may need to # be changed for your local environment #$ -S /usr/bin/python #$ -cwd #$ -r yes #$ -j y #$ -l h_rt=10:00:00 #$ -l arch=lx24-amd64 import socket import sys # Print the python/host information as soon as possible print "Python:", sys.version print "Host:", socket.gethostname() import datetime import os import subprocess import time # Users should change these variables to match their local environment home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") no_hb_env_dep_weights_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "input_files", "standard_NO_HB_ENV_DEP.wts") backrub_bin = os.path.join("/home/sziaee/rosetta_bin_linux_2018.33.60351_bundle/main/source/bin/backrub.static.linuxgccrelease") seqtol_bin = os.path.join("/home/sziaee/rosetta_bin_linux_2018.33.60351_bundle/main/source/bin/sequence_tolerance.static.linuxgccrelease") database_dir = os.path.join("/home/sziaee/rosetta_bin_linux_2018.33.60351_bundle/main/database") # Score function modifications (Smith & Kortemme 2010 set all these to True) no_hb_env_dep = False no_score12_patch = False histidine_offset = True # Settings dependent on score function modifications score_weights = "pre_talaris_2013_standard.wts" if no_hb_env_dep: score_weights = no_hb_env_dep_weights_file score_patch = "score12" if no_score12_patch: score_patch = "" ref_offsets = [] if histidine_offset: ref_offsets = ["HIS", "1.2"] # Determine the starting PDB structure from either the PDB_PATH environment # variable, or the first command line argument if os.environ.has_key("/home/sziaee/rosetta_bin_linux_2018.33.60351_bundle/main/source/bin/pep7_R.pdb"): pdb_path = os.path.abspath(os.environ["/home/sziaee/rosetta_bin_linux_2018.33.60351_bundle/main/source/bin/pep7_R.pdb"]) elif len(sys.argv) >= 2: pdb_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) else: sys.exit("No start PDB file specified") # Determine the iteration from either the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable or # the second command line argument iteration = 1 if os.environ.has_key("SGE_TASK_ID"): iteration = int(os.environ["SGE_TASK_ID"]) elif len(sys.argv) >= 3: iteration = int(sys.argv[2]) # Check if the start PDB has valid printf syntax and select the correct PDB index = 1 if pdb_path.find("%") >= 0 and os.path.exists(pdb_path % index): pdb_paths = [pdb_path % index] index += 1 while os.path.exists(pdb_path % index): pdb_paths.append(pdb_path % index) index += 1 pdb_path = pdb_paths[(iteration-1) % len(pdb_paths)] # Determine the PDB chain identifiers pdb_file = open(pdb_path) pdb_lines = pdb_file.readlines() pdb_file.close() atom_lines = [line for line in pdb_lines if line.find("ATOM ") == 0 and len(line) >= 22] pdb_chains = [] for line in atom_lines: if not line[21] in pdb_chains: pdb_chains.append(line[21]) # Set the fitness function master weights based on the number of chains num_chains = len(pdb_chains) fitness_function_weights = ["1"] + ["1"]*num_chains + ["2"]*(num_chains*(num_chains-1)/2) # Customize your weights by uncommenting this line #fitness_function_weights = ["your", "weights", "go", "here"] # Get the base path from either the PDB file, the INPUT_PATH environment # variable, or the third command line argument input_path = os.path.splitext(pdb_path)[0] if os.environ.has_key("INPUT_PATH"): input_path = os.path.abspath(os.environ["INPUT_PATH"]) elif len(sys.argv) >= 4: input_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3]) # Determine input/output directories and filenames from the starting PDB pdb_name = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(pdb_path)[0])[-1] input_name = os.path.split(input_path)[-1] output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "output", input_name) output_prefix = input_name + "_%04i" % (iteration) # Print job summary information print "Iteration:", iteration print "Database:", database_dir print "PDB:", pdb_path print "PDB Chains:", ", ".join(['"'+chain+'"' for chain in pdb_chains]) print "Fitness Function Weights:", ", ".join(fitness_function_weights) print "Inputs:", input_path print "Output Directory:", output_dir print "Output Prefix:", output_prefix print "No hydrogen bond environment dependence:", no_hb_env_dep print "No score12 Patch:", no_score12_patch print "Histidine Offset:", histidine_offset backrub_args = [ backrub_bin, "-database", database_dir, "-s", pdb_path, "-ignore_unrecognized_res", "-ex1", "-ex2", "-extrachi_cutoff", "0", "-out:prefix", output_prefix, "-mute", "core.io.pdb.file_data", "-backrub:ntrials", "10000", "-score:weights", score_weights, "-score:patch", score_patch, "-out:nstruct", "10" ] # Add backrub resfile to the command line if it exists backrub_resfile = os.path.join(input_path + "_backrub.resfile") if os.path.exists(backrub_resfile): backrub_args += ["-resfile", backrub_resfile] print "Backrub Resfile:", backrub_resfile # Add minimize movemap to the command line if it exists minimize_movemap = os.path.join(input_path + "_minimize.movemap") if os.path.exists(minimize_movemap): backrub_args += ["-backrub:minimize_movemap", minimize_movemap] print "Minimize Movemap:", minimize_movemap # Add perturb movemap to the command line if it exists perburb_movemap = os.path.join(input_path + "_perturb.movemap") if os.path.exists(perburb_movemap): backrub_args += ["-in:file:movemap", perburb_movemap, "-sm_prob", "0.1"] print "Perturb Movemap:", perburb_movemap seqtol_args = [ seqtol_bin, "-database", database_dir, "-s", output_prefix + "_low.pdb", "-ex1", "-ex2", "-extrachi_cutoff", "0", "-seq_tol:fitness_master_weights"] + fitness_function_weights + [ "-ms:generations", "5", "-ms:pop_size", "2000", "-ms:pop_from_ss", "1", "-ms:checkpoint:prefix", output_prefix, "-ms:checkpoint:interval", "200", "-ms:checkpoint:gz", "-ms:numresults", "10", "-out:prefix", output_prefix, "-score:weights", score_weights, "-score:patch", score_patch, ] # Add ref_offsets to commane line if they are defined if len(ref_offsets): seqtol_args += ["-score:ref_offsets"] + ref_offsets # Add resfile to command line if it exists seqtol_resfile = os.path.join(input_path + "_seqtol.resfile") if os.path.exists(seqtol_resfile): seqtol_args += ["-resfile", seqtol_resfile] print "Sequence Tolerance Resfile:", seqtol_resfile # Make the output directory and make it the working directory try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except: if not os.path.exists(output_dir): print "Couldn't make output directory!" sys.exit(1) os.chdir(output_dir) time_start = time.time() # Run the backrub app if it hasn't already been run if not (os.path.exists(output_prefix + "_low.pdb") or os.path.exists(output_prefix + "_low.pdb.gz")): print " ".join(backrub_args) sys.stdout.flush() outfile = open(output_prefix + "_backrub.out", "w", 0) process = subprocess.Popen(backrub_args, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) returncode = process.wait() outfile.close() # Remove the "last" structure and rename the "low" structure" os.remove(output_prefix + "_last.pdb") os.rename(output_prefix + "_low.pdb", output_prefix + "_low.pdb") else: print "Skipping backrub (Already Completed)" # Print backrub running time statistics time_backrub_end = time.time() print "Time (backrub):", datetime.timedelta(seconds = time_backrub_end - time_start) # Run the sequence_tolerance app if the PDB file hasn't been compressed if os.path.exists(output_prefix + "_low.pdb"): print " ".join(seqtol_args) sys.stdout.flush() seqtol_output_filename = output_prefix + "_seqtol.out" output_index = 0 # Find an output filename that hasn't been used while os.path.exists(seqtol_output_filename): output_index += 1 seqtol_output_filename = output_prefix + "_seqtol%i.out" % output_index outfile = open(seqtol_output_filename, "w", 0) process = subprocess.Popen(seqtol_args, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) returncode = process.wait() outfile.close() # Compress the output structure process = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/gzip", output_prefix + "_low.pdb"], close_fds=True) returncode = process.wait() else: print "Skipping sequence_tolerance (Already Completed)" # Print running time statistics time_end = time.time() print "Time (seqtol):", datetime.timedelta(seconds = time_end - time_backrub_end) print "Seconds:", time_end - time_start print "Time:", datetime.timedelta(seconds = time_end - time_start) print "Summary:", socket.gethostname(), time_end - time_start, datetime.timedelta(seconds = time_end - time_start)