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PackRotamersMover in another way


I want to design peptides, allowing redesign and side-chain packing, but no backbone changes. So far I'm using PackRotamersMover, but I would like to write my packer with fixbb instead to have more control.


My question basically is: why do the two following snippets of code not do the same? And what have I missed about PackRotamersMover in my version?

code 1:

Post Situation: 

RAbD with N-term,Proline-like ncaa returns segmentation fault during CCDEndsGraftMover

Chemically Modified Residues
Fragment Generation

Recently I'm stumbling with rosetta RAbD application (version 2020.08.61146) in hope to modify an antibody whose antigen containing a non-canonical,N-term, and PRO-like aa ,namely the pyroglutamic acid in its epitope. 

I generated params file according tutorials in :,with input mol file below.

Post Situation: 

Can anybody suggests some flags to run Rifdock?



I've tried to design some miniproteins, by following up "Baker lab 2020, science" paper. 

I want to use Rifgen in Rifdock to make disembodied amino acid contact.

But I don't know what flags to start.


They said the initial job of rifgen will take a long time.

On the Rifdock tutorial page, they said "to contact somebody doing some similar jobs and use their flag as a starting point"

So can somebody share your flags?



Post Situation: 

Scripts accompanying Hossenzadeh et al, 2001


Hi all,

I recently came across the paper titled "Anchor extension: a structure-guided approach to design cyclic peptides targeting enzyme active sites" and wanted to try it out for myself. I downloaded the supplemental materials and tried to follow along the READMEs to test out Methods 1-4. But I am not able to actually get any of them to work even with the provided pdbs. Is anybody else having the same problem?

Here is what I have tried...

Post Situation: 

Design strategy - One chain at a time OR two chains together?


Hello folks,

this is a conceptual question.

The protein I am working with has 2 domains (2 chains), and I would like to redesign part of the surface of each domain AND the interface between those domains.

I see two possibilities here (maybe there are more):

Option #1- Break the design into three smaller problems - i.e., design only chain A, then design only chain B, and finally, design the interface (5 residues + 7 residues  + 11 residues).

Post Situation: 

mpi_MSD for antibody design


Hello All,

 I have a few questions on a paper from Kuhlman's group "Generation of bispecific IgG antibodies by structure-based design of an orthogonal Fab interface"


In the method section, there is an MSD protocol for CL-CH1 interface. And following is the fitness file:

#-12 is the energy cap, determined empirically as the rough value of redocked binding energy for the worst mutations

Post Situation: 


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