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error running rosetta3.1 demos

Hello, I compiled Rosetta3.1 on Ubuntu 8.2, the complie is fine no error report. Then I run some example under rosetta_demons/ directory according to the readme file in the directory, and I have errors:

for rosetta_demos/Ligand_Docking, the error is :

ERROR: Unable to open file: ./silent.out

ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/jobdist/JobDistributors.hh line: 825


for rosetta_demos/Docking, the error is:

ERROR: Option matching -dock_mcm not found in command line top-level context


Post Situation: 

error in installation

hi everyone

I am trying to install rosetta on ubuntu maverick (10.10) and having troubles with it .... I tried to install with a lower version of gcc-4.2 (as suggested in the installation guide) instead of the gcc-4.4 (default for maverick) but it is giving the same error at one file:

/src/core/scoring/ 618 internal compiler error: Segmentation fault

is there anyone facing the same problem or know anything about how I go about solving it .. please let me know


Post Situation: 

Mac OSX installation

Hi everyone,

Here I'm sharing my frustration with using this module on Mac, with the hope of saving you some time, or finding a solution:

The library files (.so & dylib files) included in the package are ONLY compatible with the python 2.5 (and no other version) that is shipped with Mac OS.
This is a serious problem as many basic modules (e.g. numpy & scipy) are not compatible with this python and require standard version of python from
Here are some tricks that didn't work:

Post Situation: 

Pyrosetta 32 bits with python 2.6??

I have one problem, is that in my laptop I have a 32 bit systems bu5t with python 2.6. I prefer this version of python for several reasons, and my question is if exists any possibility of run pyrosetta under a 32bit system with python 2.6.

I know that the manual consider it impossible, but I want to know if somebody knows something new about this

Thank you


Post Situation: 

Trouble installing PyRosetta on RedHat Linux 5.2 system

Hopefully this is a sufficiently naive question that somebody can answer it easily. I have tried installing PyRosetta on a Linux 64-bit system, but cannot do so for one or the other of the following reasons:
1) if I try running Python 2.6.5 I get the following error:
$ source Missing }.
$ /phys/users/pemani/python2.6/bin/python ./
/phys/users/pemani/PyRosettaFolder/IPython/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
from sets import Set
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Aug 19 2010, 17:00:16)

Post Situation: 

Integration into Pre-installed Python in Windows

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know of an easy method to set up PyRosetta (or a Python system path) to make the use of PyRosetta possible on a specific Python install in a Windows system?

When installing PyRosetta on Unix, it seems to enable the main Python for the system to use PyRosetta. However, the Windows version seems coupled to the IPython it comes with. I've tried setting up a modified path so that my other versions of Python can import PyRosetta, but I've had no luck (the import process cannot find the _rosetta_utility_000 files, or whatever they are called).

Post Situation: 

GLIBCXX_3.4.9 Not found -

The version of libstdc++ is older than the rosetta needs. Is there a way to get the source code to recompile the rosetta software with my installed libraries or is there another way? I'm running Red Hat Enterprise Client 5.4


Linux 2.6.18-164.9.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Dec 9 03:27:37 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Mar 8 2010, 21:01:17)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from rosetta import *
Traceback (most recent call last):

Post Situation: 

Build Rosetta - error: 'build_threading_model'

In order to build a release version of Rosetta executables, I run scons:

- by Release Mode - scons bin mode=release.

But I receive this error message:

src/protocols/loops/ In member function 'virtual void protocols::loops::LoopRelaxMover::apply(core::pose::Pose&)':

src/protocols/loops/ error: 'build_threading_model' is not a member of 'core::options::OptionKeys::loops'

*** [build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/protocols/loops/LoopRelaxMover.os] Error 1

Thank you for all.

Post Situation: 


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