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How to set gcc optimization level with scons to compile 64bit rosetta-2.3.0

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How to set gcc optimization level with scons to compile 64bit rosetta-2.3.0


I am new to rosetta and new to scons so kindly be patient.

From rosetta commons tiki I read:

"(**) Rosetta will crash if optimization level on GCC is greater that -O1."

I am building rosetta-2.3.0 like this:

scons arch=x86 arch_size=64 cxx=gcc bin mode=release extra=mpi

My system is selecting optimization level –O3. I get an executable and there are no errors yet trying to work the test examples gives me segmentation faults.

I read in the scons 0.94 and 1.2 User guides that I can set env variables

“env = Environment(CC = 'gcc',
CCFLAGS = '-O2') “

I have not yet figured out in which of the various rosetta SConscript files to add such a change.

Can anyone tell me how to get scons to tell gcc to use –O1 optimization?



Fri, 2009-05-15 14:16