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Issues with compilation on MacOS

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Issues with compilation on MacOS

Hi, I am having difficult with downloading and compiling the academic version of Rosetta from github (but perhaps that is the wrong way to do it by cloning it onto my Desktop - MacOS 14.4). I tried to compile using scons and it seemed to work following the full instructions, but I noticed I do not have a rosetta/main/ folder. I found a rosetta/source/bin folder and compiled into that source folder. Is that correct? I can now see a number .macosclangrelease files. Thank you. 

Post Situation: 
Fri, 2024-04-05 07:52

The main/ folder is an artifact of the way we used to distribute Rosetta prior to the open Github repository.

When dealing with the Github repository, the rosetta/ directory is equivalent to what was the rosetta/main/ directory in the past. As such, you would indeed look for the executables in rosetta/source/bin/  instead of rosetta/main/source/bin 

Fri, 2024-04-05 07:57

Thank you very much for explaining that.

I am trying to work with RosettaGGDPrediction and the only academic version I was able to download of rosetta was through GitHub (otherwise I get a forbidden error when going through academic downloads on Rosetta Commons). I notice that rosetta 2022.11 release was used for RosettaGGDPrediction, but I am unable to access it. I have not yet been able to get RosettaGGDPrediction to work with the newest academic release of rosetta 3.14, whis is why I'm wondering. I've posted the quesiton on GitHub re: RosettaGGDPrediction (so apologies for duplication!), but basically I can't get any output pdb files to be generted when running the .yaml files. Anyway, thanks in advance for your help! 

Mon, 2024-04-08 04:54

If you've cloned from Github with git, you should have access to all the historic versions. You just need to check out the corresponding tag. (For weekly releases, something like `git tag | grep 2022.11` should give you the tag name.

Once you have the tag name, you can do a `git checkout v2022.11-dev61851` to make the state of the local directory equivalent to that version. Then you should be able to recompile and run. (Keep in mind, though, that you have to match the state of the database to the compiled version. If you switch back and forth with versions, you have to make sure to recompile before running, otherwise the database and the compiled program won't match.)


Mon, 2024-04-08 13:22