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Questions about gen_apo_grids

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Questions about gen_apo_grids

Hi, everyone:

    I want to generate pos file for different scaffolds, and I find that gen_apo_grid can satisfy my needs. But there is a problem, if this option "-packstat:surface_accessibility"  is on, I can set the value of "-packstat:min_surface_accessibility". Whatever value I set for "-packstat:min_surface_accessibility", the output pos file does not change at all

Example Command Lines: 

-s a.pdb
-chname off
-packstat:surface_accessibility true
-packstat:cavity_burial_probe_radius 2.0 
-packstat:cluster_min_volume 150 
-packstat:min_cluster_overlap 0.1 
-packstat:min_cav_ball_radius 1.5
-packstat:min_surface_accessibility 999999999  

-s a.pdb
-chname off
-packstat:surface_accessibility true
-packstat:cavity_burial_probe_radius 2.0 
-packstat:cluster_min_volume 150 
-packstat:min_cluster_overlap 0.1 
-packstat:min_cav_ball_radius 1.5 
-packstat:min_surface_accessibility 0.5 


These two commands gives me the same output, that's really strange! And if I turn off the "-packstat:surface_accessibility", the program won't do "prune" option every 0.1 radius anymore. I went to see the original C++ code, and I find that there are some codes:

//if swicth is on, do more calculation
        if ( surface_accessibility ) {
            for ( PackstatReal pr = burial_radius-0.1; pr >= 0.1; pr -= 0.1 ) {
This is the cause for "prune" option every 0.1 radius. But it seems that this operation has nothing to do with that "-packstat:min_surface_accessibility".

Please anyone can help me to understand how to make this work?

Thanks very much for your time and effort!



Post Situation: 
Sat, 2023-06-17 00:20