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different relaxed energy scores for one same protein structure

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different relaxed energy scores for one same protein structure

Hello everyone,


By chance, I tried several times relax module for one same protein structure.

I got all different relaxed energy socres.

Which score is representive for this protein structure?


And of two similar structures mutated by 1 or 2 different positions, which structure can have the better structure?

By what criteria did you think that?

Post Situation: 
Sun, 2023-07-16 17:54

If you are doing FastRelax this is normal, because it is a stochastic process. I would take the structure with the lowest energy. 

Mon, 2023-07-17 04:57

Thank you for the response.


Do you know any other option to decrease the score differences for one same protein ?

What do you think of "-constant_seed" option ?


Mon, 2023-07-17 17:37