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Unable to get non-commercial license to get username/password

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Unable to get non-commercial license to get username/password

Hi team,

As noted in the steps to get non commercial license, there is a license form people can fill up to register for username/password to use Pyrosetta. Seems the form is unable to find.

Thanks for assistance.



Post Situation: 
Fri, 2024-05-17 15:39

We recently switched to an updated licensing model. (See

The upshot is that non-commercial users no longer need to fill out a form to get a license. Instead, the non-commecial license comes automatically with the Rosetta & PyRosetta downloads. As such, the download sites which used to be password protected should now be openly accessible.

You only have to apply separately for a license if you're using (Py)Rosetta for commercial purposes.


We intended to update all the documentation and explanation pages which mention filling out forms for a non-commercial license. If you still found something online which mentions needing to apply to UW CoMotion for an academic license, it would be helpful to provide a link, so we can see about updating it.

Fri, 2024-05-17 18:31