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error in cluster running

Hello, I am running the protein docking task in cluster, but failed. here is my related files:

#PBS -l walltime=180:00:00 nodes=2
#PBS -N Rosetta_Job
# Batch-submission script for OpenPBS system

module load rosetta

cd /home/users/test

mpiexec -np 32 /opt/rosetta/rosetta_latest/bin/docking_protocol.linuxgccrelease @flags > log &


-s input.pdb
# the input file should have two single, complete chains A and B

Post Situation: 

pepspec aplication - segmentation fault


Running pepspec application, in rosetta 3.3 (mac osx 10.6.7), gives me a segmentation fault. Any idea why this happens?

thank you



core.init: command: ../../rosetta_source/bin/pepspec_anchor_dock.macosgccrelease -database /Users/tiago/software/rosetta/rosetta3.3/rosetta_database/ @dock.args
core.init: 'RNG device' seed mode, using '/dev/urandom', seed=1393114305 seed_offset=0 real_seed=1393114305
core.init.random: RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=1393114305 RG_type=mt19937

Post Situation: 

Fe3p Heme Iron Unrecognized Despite Loading Hem Params

Hi All,
I am new to computational biology in general, so bear with me if this question is rudimentary. I am trying to dock two heme proteins together. We have trouble-shot other issues but we can't seem to get this one. Here is what we do:

-database /usr/local/rosetta3.2.1/rosetta_database
-extra_res_cen /usr/local/rosetta3.2.1/rosetta_database/chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types/heme/HEM.params

Post Situation: 

cluster input_score_filter

I'm trying to cluster structures from a symmetry modeling run (silent file) using the -cluster:input_score_filter flag to exclude structures below a certain energy eg

-cluster:input_score_filter -1780.35

However, I can't seem to get cluster app to pay any attention to the flag, any ideas?

Is there any other way to cluster the top x scoring structures?

Post Situation: 

how to realize a free bb design? PackMover=fixed bb!


maybe somebody can give me a hint:
how do i realize a free backbone design approach in pyrosetta? As far as I understand the PackMover in PyRosetta is the equivalent to the FixedBackbone Design in Rosetta?! Is there something like a FREE backbone equivalent? At the moment I´m using a combination of the PackMover + freeBB-Minimization to have some degree of bb movement in the end... but I suppose it´s not the same.

Thanks for your help!

Post Situation: 

Modeling of a Multi-Domain Dimer


After doing ab initio structure prediction on the individual domains of my target protein I was trying to assess the quaternary structure of the dimer using the SymDock protocol. The results I get are, firstly, never for a full-length protein and, secondly, the amino acid numbering is confused; trying to extract pdbs from the silent out file results in an error message ( ERROR: add_chain_ending() invalid chain ending 226
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/io/silent/ProteinSilentStruct.tmpl.hh line: 671).

Post Situation: 

"unrecognized aa ACT"

We're trying to dock two proteins. One of them has a bound acetate ion. We created the centroid & full atom params files for the acetate, residue name ACT, using the params generation utility. We specified the location of the params files in the flags script using the -extra_res flags. The file locations are correct. We modified the flags file from one that ran sucessfully before, so we're pretty sure that's correct. Nonetheless, the docking run crashes quickly with the message "unrecognized aa ACT". Acetate does have a C=O and an OXT, which may be causing problems.

Post Situation: 

PyRosetta compilation errors: Mac with python 2.6.7 from macports

I've been trying to install PyRosetta on my 64-bit Mac running Snow Leopard (10.6). I'm using the macports version of python (2.6.7) because that version is required for scipy and matplotlib. However, the pre-combiled binaries for PyRosetta do not work for this version of python. I get this error:

Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)

Post Situation: 

Build with

Hello, I would like to be able to use the InterfaceStructMaker protocol which my lab obtained from the "svn" (or some similar name - the database that developers use to share). I tried putting the .cc file in src/apps/public/ and then modifying the file src/apps.src.settings to contain InterfaceStructMaker after "public" : [

Post Situation: 


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