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segfault in membrane_abinitio2.mpi


I am getting a segmentation fault when running membrane_abinitio2.mpi with more than 2 processes. The segfault happens on line 161 in when
job_recieved is false. Moving the statement into the preceding if block solves the problem. The patch is attached.


Martin Siegert
Simon Fraser University

Post Situation: 

static version



I am compiling version 3.5 with command:

scons bin mode=release extras=static extras=mpi -j6

it finished successfully without any errors. However, I found that all the tools are named with ***mpi, such as:


I am just wondering, with the command I used, does it also a static compiled version?

thx a lot

Post Situation: 

Moving Rosetta to C++11 standard


We're discussing moving Rosetta to the C++11 standard. Here's a list of compatible compilers: Briefly, if you're using GCC 4.6+ or clang 3.0+ (I don't know about gcc) it's fine. Let me know if you're okay with a move to C++11.

Post Situation: 

Rosetta installation


i am trying to install rosette latest version in ubuntu 10.10.
i have installed scons and python as minimum requirmnets.
Now how to buld rosetta...

while i am running command like :

# scons

here i am getting error.

scons bin mode=release
scons bin
scons -h
scons -H

What to do next....
can anybody help me out?

Post Situation: 



1. How can I get a Rosetta software license?
2. What is RosettaDesign?
3. What is RosettaDock?
4. What is Ab inito folding?
5. What is the difference between Ab Initio and De Novo Modeling?
6. What is RosettaNMR?
7. What is RosettaLigand?
8. What are Fragment Libraries?
9. Which compiler should I use to build rosetta software?
10. How do I interpret the energies output by Rosetta?
11. How to cite ROSETTA in papers?
12. Where is Rosetta software documentation?
13. What's the minimum and recommended hardware settings for Rosetta software?

Post Situation: 



1. How can I get a Rosetta software license?
2. What is RosettaDesign?
3. What is RosettaDock?
4. What is Ab inito folding?
5. What is the difference between Ab Initio and De Novo Modeling?
6. What is RosettaNMR?
7. What is RosettaLigand?
8. What are Fragment Libraries?
9. Which compiler should I use to build rosetta software?
10. How do I interpret the energies output by Rosetta?
11. How to cite ROSETTA in papers?
12. Where is Rosetta software documentation?
13. What's the minimum and recommended hardware settings for Rosetta software?

Post Situation: 



1. How can I get a Rosetta software license?
2. What is RosettaDesign?
3. What is RosettaDock?
4. What is Ab inito folding?
5. What is the difference between Ab Initio and De Novo Modeling?
6. What is RosettaNMR?
7. What is RosettaLigand?
8. What are Fragment Libraries?
9. Which compiler should I use to build rosetta software?
10. How do I interpret the energies output by Rosetta?
11. How to cite ROSETTA in papers?
12. Where is Rosetta software documentation?
13. What's the minimum and recommended hardware settings for Rosetta software?

Post Situation: 


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