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Weird results from flexpepdock MPI



Currentlxz i am running a command like: 

mpiexec -np {0} {1}/source/bin/FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease -database {1}/database -s {2} -ex1 -ex2 -out:file:silent {3}.silent -out:file:silent_struct_type binary -pep_refine -nstruct 100 -unboundrot {4}


On 47 cores (so -np 47) with nstruct set to 100. I would expect 100 output energies in the scoing file, however i get 4700. I guess it somehow makes all the 100 simulation on all the nodes. 


Post Situation: 

Ligand Docking with ARLS


I am having troule with the Ligand Docking application. I am currently trying to perform a dock using Automatic RosettaLigand Setup (ARLS). I was able to execute the script, which creates the arls_work directory. However, once I switch to this new directory, I get an error when I try to run the script. Here are the error messages I received:

Post Situation: 

How to call SnugDock from PyRosetta



First of all, kudos on all the work that goes into PyRosetta - it makes it quite easy to quickly put together custom protocols.

Quick question - How can I create a SnugDock object in PyRosetta?  I am using release 2016.18.58680, and I've compiled pyrosetta under Ubuntu 12.04 (the compilation seems fine as I can call lots of rosetta protocols and they work as expected).  It doesn't look like pyrosetta is aware of any of the SnugDock code.  Here's a code snippet:



Post Situation: 

pKa prediction using the Rosetta scoring function

Structure prediction

Dear collegues,

I`ve recently read an excellent publication on pKa prediction using the Rosetta scoring function (Kilambi & Gray Biophys J. 2012 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.06.044). However, it turned out that in the recent Rosetta distribution the pH_protocol.<exe> executable mentioned in the Supplementary materials of that paper is no longer available. I am aware of the ROSIE server, but the waiting list there is quite long and also I keep getting unknown errors with my files.

Post Situation: 

fragment_picker.mpi.linuxgccrelease can't find :

Fragment Generation

I'm sorry... I'm sure this is just something basic I overlooked but I'm not sure how this is happening since it seems that a basic component is missing....

I have Rosetta compiled with "extras = mpi" and I have OpenMPI installed.

I ran:

(mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_exclude lo,virbr0 --hostfile hostfile -np 1 /home/starone/Public/Rosetta/main/source/bin/fragment_picker.mpi.linuxgccrelease @flags > frag.out) >& frag.err

Post Situation: 

Loop design with length variation

Loop Modeling

hi all,

I am working on protein design for antibody-antigen complex to improve the binding affinity. so far, I have the crystal structure of the antigen (chain A) and the antibody Fab (chain H and L). now I want to re-design part region of one CDR loop (around 5 residues) involved in direct interaction to antigen. besides the design for the loop retaining original length (5 AA), I also try to make the loop shorter or longer with the randomizing the residues of loop.

any suggestion that where I can start from?

many thanks,

Post Situation: 

Error while loading shared libraries:



I am trying to install CSRosetta and Rosetta on a computer running Fedora 20, but I keep on getting the following error message:

/home/crowlab/Rosetta/main/source/bin/AbinitioRelax.linuxgccrelease: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

We have CBFlib- package installed, but the software seems to not recognize it. We are not sure what we should have installed instead.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Post Situation: 

Score Differences between Ab Initio Scoring and Rescore

Structure prediction

I have a question about how atom coordinates are determined for predicted structures during the ab inito folding protocol and with the extraction of the PDB of the predicted structure from the output silent file.

Post Situation: 


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