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Unit Tests failing for Rosetta installed with mpi on Ubuntu 16.04


Dear Users,

I have been trying to install and run Rosetta 2016.15 weekly build (with MPI) on a  core i7 system on Ubuntu 16.04. For installation, I used the following command

> python ./ mode=release extras=mpi bin

and compiled the test scripts using:

> python ./ mode=release extras=mpi cat=test

The system already has openmpi-1.10.2. The installation was without any errors. However, when I ran the unit tests, I got numerous errors with a 27% pass statistic.

Post Situation: 

Rosetta: Clustering



I have used rosetta protein-protein docking to generate 1000 models, and was hoping to use rosetta clustering to analyze the result. 

I have read that rosetta clustering superimposes models for rmsd calculation by default, and I was hoping to find a way to change this default mode for my models.

Is there a way to turn this default mode off? 

Post Situation: 

How to set up external C++ folding server

Structure prediction

For many of the  Rosetta applications, I am required to connect to an external server to process my requests and handle the modeling and structure predictions.  How exactly am I  supposed to do this?  Is there a detailed tutorial on how to do this?  Or is it because I did not install PyRosetta correctly?  I am doing comparatve modeling/structure prediction.

Post Situation: 

Lammps or RosettaSurface



I hope I placed this question in the proper place. If not please let me know.

I am attempting to computationally dock peptides/proteins to metal oxides etc..What is the most approbriate code to use RossettaSurface or Lammps? At the moment, I have installed PyRosetta and Lammps. Since there is a learning curve using these codes, I would like to select the best one to meet my needs. With LAMMPS, I believe there is versatility (i.e. alter atom types etc..); but I don't know about RosettaSurface..

Post Situation: 

New parametrization problems


Hello all!

I started working with my non-canonical residue REL and found out that it doesn't bond to other residues.

Shall I write some other atoms in the end of mol file?

I am afraid only visualization can help here so I attach the mol file.

Also I attach the created with this mol file params file and one molecule with REL residue.

Thank you in advance,


Post Situation: 

Parametrisation problems


Hello everyone!

I have a residue in my protein, that is non-canonical and that I named REL.

After all the steps from with the only difference in using instead of, because the second doesn't work in my rosetta suite.

Post Situation: 


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