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No structure mods allowed during scoring! error

Hi All/Rocco,

Just a quick question. I am running a few (thousand) structures through score_jd2 using the command below, and I am occasionally seeing this message I've never seen before:

No structure mods allowed during scoring!

Any idea how this would be tripped? Some of these structures may have missing atoms and need some rebuilding of side chains during pose construction, but shouldn't that occur before scoring? The structures themselves look fine, and can be loaded into PyRosetta with no issues.


Post Situation: 

Alignment and RMSD


I've been attempting measure some structures RMSDs by using the PyRosetta's functions all_atom_rmsd() and CA_rmsd(). I've also seen the function native_CA_rmsd(), and used it but I can't tell the diference between this one and CA_rmsd().

So far the functions I use are the ones I've been able to find by tabbing for iPython's autocomplete. I know that there is a native RMSD for all atom, but I've not been able to find it. Are these PyRosetta exposed methods listed somewhere?

Post Situation: 

sign of ddG of mutation

What's the sign of ddG score in rosetta 3?
I think the ddG here is dG(mut)-dG(wild). so a lower score of mutant means better structure. So negative ddG means stabilize?
But in the paper "Role of conformational sampling in computing mutation-induced changes in protein structure and stability". It looks like ddG from rosetta has same sign as protherm database, which negative sign means destabilize.

So I am confused. Can anyone explain a little bit? Thank you!

Post Situation: 

Symmetric pose initialization fails

Hi all. I am using PyRosetta for Windows, and after running the following code sample: ... rosetta.init() pose = pose_from_sequence("AAAAAAAAAAAAA", "fa_standard") pose_symm_data = core.conformation.symmetry.SymmData(pose.n_residue(),pose.num_jump()) pose_symm_data.read_symmetry_data_from_file("c2.sym") core.pose.symmetry.make_symmetric_pose(pose, pose_symm_data) it fails with an error: "\core/pose/PDBInfo.hh PDBInfo::natoms( Size const res): res is not in this PDBInfo!" The assert is coming from PDBInfo.hh, line 363:
Post Situation: 

Fragments file

The fragments file:aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
position: 1 neighbors: 200

1pg4 A 309 W L -108.068 162.569 -178.328 0.102 4.369 116.235 3 0.000 P 1 F 1

1pg4 is the name of protein.But what is the "A 309 W L -108.068 162.569 -178.328 0.102 4.369 116.235 3 0.000 P 1 F 1"?What's the meaning of those?
"{series}{pdb}{chain}{size}_{strategy}.{depth}_{version}" is mentioned in Rosetta user guide.But it is different.

Post Situation: 

talaris2013 energy terms modifications

I've noticed that they are some modifications in talaris2013 in energy terms in comparison with score12.
There appear new hack_ele energy term. What is more now I can see rama and omega - in score12 as default they weren't visible.
My question is : what's stand for hack_ele? And why can I see now rama and omega energy terms? Is there any docuemnation for talaris2013?

Post Situation: 

Script running, but returns no results

Sorry for this duplicated topic. I posted it to the wrong place (PyRosetta Script) I think.

I wrote a simple script to calculate the free energy. The PyRosetta was successfully initiated, but returned me nothing.
This is my script:

import rosetta
import sys

def deltaG(interface):
comp = rosetta.pose_from_pdb(interface)

f = rosetta.ScoreFunction()

Post Situation: 


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