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Installing Pyrosetta in CentOS6.0


I am trying to install the Pyrosetta, version- Scientific/Red Hat Linux (64-bit) on CentOS 6.0 but I am getting the following error when I use the command from rosetta import * :-

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have also installed python 2.7 , and it's installed at /usr/local/python2.7. I searched for the file , but I was not able to locate it. In addition to python 2.7, I also have python 2.6 in the system.

Pls help


Post Situation: 

how to design a protein complex

Dear ALL,
I have a protein complex structure. It has two chains, chain A and chain B.
I want to design chain A. In the same time, I wonder RosettaDesign can design chain A in a complex structure? I think design chain A only without chain B will miss the information from the complex structure. Can anyone tell me how to do fix backbone design for chain A in a complex structure? Thank you!

Post Situation: 

Problem about energy score

FlexPepDock Refinement;Score.
Hi all!
I am trying to dock a peptide to a receptor using FlexPepDock Refinement and generated 600 models,my top five models lie within sub-angstrom RMSDbb of the native structure.The lowest energy is -557.578.
Here is my flags:
-s pm6o.pdb

-native native.pdb





-nstruct 600

Performing the command:
score.linuxgccrelease @flags > score.log

Post Situation: 

v3.5 mpi version


I've compiled rosetta-3.5 with command:

scons bin mode=release extra=mpi

before compiling, I've set up the rosetta_source/tools/build/site.settings properly for my MPI environment as following:

import os

settings = {
"gcc, mpi" : {
"overrides" : {
"cxx" : "mpicxx"

"site" : {
"prepends" : {
"program_path" : [

Post Situation: 

restrain residues in docking


I am trying to do protein/protein docking with rosetta. I already know that some residues involved in the binding, and I am just wondering how can I specify in the input file that some of the residues must be included for pose sampling?

thank you very much.


Post Situation: - problem with runing the script

I have folder in workspace(domain_name) with subfiles (file_pdb) . I want to run script , where argument is a domain_name, and then the script makes some operations on subfiles. But I get error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python27x32\energy_model", line 58, in results_all_models
results = energy_model(ff)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python27x32\energy_model", line 8, in energy_model

Post Situation: 

symmetrical membrane modeling

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a model using the ccd loop modeling and symmetrical modeling application. I am getting this error:

loopmodel.default.linuxgccdebug: src/numeric/xyzVector.hh:671: numeric::xyzVector< >& numeric::xyzVector< >::normalize() [with T = double]: Assertion `length_ != Value ( 0 )' failed.

Post Situation: 


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