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Pair potential

Does anyone know if the pair term has changed since it's introduction? Does it use the same pdb statistics and bins as described in:
Simons, K. T., Ruczinski, I., Kooperberg, C., Fox, B. A., Bystroff, C. & Baker,D. (1999) Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. 34, 82–95.

It seems as though the term is the same for centroid and full-atom scoring. Is this true?

Post Situation: 

Re: Multigraft

Is is possible to graft a continuous site such as P-loop onto a known scaffold instead of searching a new one using Multigraft approach. The p-loop occurs between a helix and a beta-sheet . I want to graft the same onto the surface loops of my protein , maintaining the geometry of those residues that occur in P-loop. Hope my question is clearly understandable .

Post Situation: 

Creation of core.* file in current running directory

Good afternoon,

I'm using Rosetta as a library inside my own code and I'm running several instances of my programs on a cluster. It happens that, sometimes, a file named core.* is created in the directory where the programs are launched where * is a number (e.g. 1041, 15897, etc.). This file can weight up to 2GB but its size varies.

Can anyone explain this behavior, tell me if it's normal and give me some clues to avoid the creation of this file?

Thank you in advance for your help

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.3 installation error


I am trying to install rosetta 3.3 on fedora core 14 platform. I am getting the following error after executing scons bin mode=release command :-

[pauling@BME rosetta_source]$ scons bin mode=release
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pauling/Downloads/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_source/SConstruct", line 139, in main
build = SConscript("tools/build/")
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Script/", line 614, in __call__
return method(*args, **kw)

Post Situation: 

ddg with ligands

Could someone please recommend a way to include ligands in a ddg calculation (using ddg_monomer or otherwise)? I'd like to estimate the effect of mutations to the protein domain on the stability of the interface between said protein domain and the enzyme substrates.

Thank you in advance for any response!

Post Situation: 

problems in InterfaceAnalyzer analysis

Hi, everyone!

Now I met a samll bug during InterfaceAnalyzer analysis as follows.

` Reading all structures from 1-46wt.out bad format in sequence line of silent file line = SEQUENCE: tag = SEQUENCE:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'utility::excn::EXCN_BadInput'

And the starting lines of my silent file are:

Post Situation: 

Can one use a non-write privileged rosetta executable?

I am trying to do a comparative modelling using /sware/rosetta3.3/linux/rosetta_source/bin/minirosetta.linuxgccrelease.
The program didn't run, and the last few lines of the log file are:

Warning: Unable to locate database file Dunbrack02.lib.bin
core.pack.dunbrack: Dunbrack library took 8.4 seconds to load from ASCII
Warning: Unable to locate database file Dunbrack02.lib.bin
Warning: Unable to locate database file Dunbrack02.lib.bin
core.pack.dunbrack: Opening file /sware/rosetta3.3/linux/rosetta_database/dun02bwtPgW for output.

Post Situation: 

Representing Cross-linked nitrogens

I am trying to use Rosetta 3.3's Ab-initio relax program to fold a protein with cross-linked lysines. I am trying to use distance constraints to represent the cross links, but every time I try to run Ab-initio on the following constraint file, I get the error "Exception : Atom NZ 26 not found". Does anyone know why this might be happening?


Post Situation: 

Energy calculation for protein design

I'm doing my thesis about Protein Design using a ASP solver. My area is Informatic, so i don't understand many things about proteins.
For my work i have a fixed backbone and i have to do a asp program that determine the optimum set of rotamers for that backbone.
I need to have a energy table with all energies for all possible rotamers.
I think that rosetta might help me, but i can't exactly figure it out how i do it.
I've already installed rosetta.

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