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Problem of installing PyRosetta on Mac Lion


I am currently a new user on both Rosetta and Python. I have a Mac and here are the information:

Mac Duo Core
OS 10.7.5
Python 2.6.2
GCC 4.0.1
Xcode installed

I was trying to install PyRosetta according to the instruction on the website. However, when I get to the step

import rosetta; rosetta.init().

I got the following error message:

ImportError: dlopen(rosetta/utility/, 2): no suitable image found. Did find:
rosetta/utility/ mach-o, but wrong architecture

Post Situation: 

Up to date Vall database

Dear all,

I want to know how to create an up to date vall database (contains all current PDB's structures) used for fragment_picker.
I have downloaded nr.gz from:

Would you please state the next steps/statements to be executed?

What about the Robetta server? which version does it use to create fragments libraries?

Thank you in advance.


Post Situation: 

Rosetta3.5 src/core/pack/dunbrack/ permission problem

Hi Rosetta community,

I'm trying to run the rosetta 3.5 FloppyTail app and encoutered a permission error:

ERROR: Failed to open temporary file with mkstemp
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pack/dunbrack/ line: 1388
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 36 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 911.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

Post Situation: 

CSrosetta run problem

I know this forum probably isnt the best place for this issue, but as my issue seems to be more of a rosetta to CS rosetta communication problem maybe people can help.
I'm trying to use csrosetta3 with rosetta3.5 and at this stage I'm just following the basic tutorial at I had huge issues installing it in the first place and inorder to run anything, in the flag file for fragment genration I had to comment a line with -mute in it. Hopefully this isn't too important.
Having generated fragments I got the job set up, but when I ran

Post Situation: 

problems with terminal caps

I am having troubles with terminal caps in FlexPepDocking in Rosetta 3.5. In the input PDB files the receptor and peptide contain ACE and NME at the N- and C-terminus, respectively. Rosetta does not recognize the modified terminal residues as N_acetylated and C_methylamidated. I have carefully modified the ACE/NME atom names to correspond to the Rosetta naming scheme in the corresponding residue patch files.

Post Situation: 

Why is proline hydroxylated?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I used the relax.linuxgccrelease of Rosetta to Relax my homology model generated by comparative modeling of Rosetta.

The command was
relax.linuxgccrelease @relax.options >& relax.log
The options were:
database /home/g/guanglin/pfs/software/rosetta_akka_S/rosetta_database
-in:file:s SCESA_com.pdb
-out:nstruct 2000
-out:file:silent SCESA_com_relax.out
-out:file:silent_struct_type binary
-out:file:scorefile relax.score

Post Situation: 

calculated ddG_bind converges to zero

I'm new to Rosetta and learning demos.

I tried rosetta-3.5/rosetta_demos/public/calculate_e6ap_ubch7_ddgbind
to calculate ddG by mutation, but the average difference between dg_wt
and dg_mut converges to zero, of all 5 mutations in the demo.

I used the command below to calculate scores, using a relaxed structure
calculated before. The mutation_script.xml is attached, same as provided
in the demo except removing <Add mover_name=relax/>.

-database $ROSETTA3_DB
-s relaxed_1C4Z_0001.pdb

Post Situation: 

Ab-initio peptide-protein docking

I am trying to perform ab-initio peptide (6-15 in length) - protein docking as described at:
Confused by a number of issues and would be grateful for any guidance please if anyone has performed
the proceders:

Fragment generation - The Robetta server requires a minimum aa length of 26.
So how does one generate 3,5 and 9 length fragments for sub-26 length peptides ?
is it only possible as described in:

Post Situation: 

Add missing residues in loop modeling

I am trying to use loop_modelling. I have small problem on my loop modeling problem. I have missing residues in protein. I gave these missing residues as blank in input pdb. My loop_modelling execution was successful however I did not solve my problem. I am wondering - can Rosetta add missing residues using loop modeling protocol? If so, how can be list of missing residues given in the program (parameter)? If not, could you please tell me any suggestion to put missing residues in the protein during loop modelling?

Post Situation: 

No pdb output file when running ab initio modeling

I am using Rosetta3.4. When i run ab initio modeling, I only get a default.out and score.fsc files as output, even though I specify in the flags file that I want a pdb file as output. Also, my results file is seemingly incomplete, even though the run is complete in Terminal.

Post Situation: 


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