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membrane score weights

Dear Rosetta community,

I'm learning to make models of my membrane protein using rosetta and I have tried the "membrane_abinitio" and "membrane_relax" demos in tests directory.

Can someone tell me how the scoring weights used in the "membrane_relax" test ("membrane_highres.wts" and "membrane_highres_Menv_smooth.wts" ) were developed? Is there a reference?

Best regards,

Yisong Tao

Post Situation: 

Rosetta Dock with MPI / PBS

Hello, again.

I have another (hopefully simple) question regarding rosetta, specifically RosettaDock.

I have compiled rosetta3.4 with MPI support (thanks smlewis!), and am trying to run a test docking job to ensure it is working. This cluster uses PBS as the scheduler.

My PBS script is as follows:


#PBS -l select=2:mpiprocs=4:ncpus=4
#PBS -q nopreempt
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -j oe

module load mpich2-intel/1.3



Post Situation: 

AbinitioRelax with very small peptides


I've been using Rosetta Abinitio for some time as a part of a larger docking simulation program. Normally the peptides are 11 amino acids to 30 amino acids long. However, in the latest system I've been working out it is desirable to test some very small peptides of length 6 amino acids to compare to some successfully docked larger peptides. I use the following inputs for the abinitio run:

-database ./rosetta3.4/rosetta_database

-in:file:fasta ./APRXC.fasta

-in:file:frag3 ./aaAPRXC03_05.200_v1_3

Post Situation: 

Rosetta score vs Experiment

Hi all,

I understand that the best way to interpret Rosetta scores is "lower=better". However, there are many papers that use Rosetta to design/enhance a protein then experimentally verify their structure/stability in the lab. Since the "lower=better" metric is so general, how can one be confident that the Rosetta-predicted structure/stability will match experimental values?


Post Situation: 

How to remove clashes in peptide bonds and proline residue?

Hi all:

I have got a protein model with clashes in several peptide bonds between O and N atoms, proline residues and some side chanis. The "relax" app removed clashes in the side-chain, but was not able to correct the peptide bonds and proline residues. The following are the options that I used in both fast and throrough runs of the app:

relax.linuxgccrelease -database /home2/rosetta_database -in:file:s 8nC.pdb -relax:fast(thorough) -score:weights score12_full -ex1 -ex2 -nstruct 10

Post Situation: 

make fragment


I'm trying to use the script but i do not know where to find the script necessary to run it in parallel, to launch the job serially dosen't seem to be feasible. please see

# This is an optional script that you can provide to launch picker and pdb2vall jobs on
# free nodes to run them in parallel. If left as an empty string, jobs will run serially.
# Make sure your script will run the command passed to it on another machine. If it is
# set up to run parallel jobs on the local machine, the local machine may run into CPU

Post Situation: 

mpi mode problem

Hey everyone, I'm trying to compile in mpi mode on a cluster. I used:
./ bin mode=release extra=mpi

After entering the command, it gave me this error:
Running versioning script ... fatal: Not a git repository

But the compiling went on well and gave me "scons: done building targets." at the end.

Post Situation: 

Multiple Chain Comparative Modeling - End result is not even close to template structure

"yes it runs!" was a really early response for the comparative modeling run I started for a multi chain protein. I use rosetta 3.4.

My problem is that the end result looks completely off compared to the template file (also to any other folded structure, the end result is basically a stretch of amino acids). Points that I messed up something at the alignment.

Post Situation: 


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